While doing more research about 'Rotastak hamster', I came across a very strange and weird article. It's title is: 'Prankster's pals turn room into man-size hamster cage'.
It was simply too strange and weird to pass up, so I went ahead to take a look.
I am baffled, amazed and astonished that a group of guys (8, to be exact), spent/invested 100 hours of their time to 'pay their friend back' for a similar prank.
Even more interestingly, it's a prank that will take their friend approximately more than TWO YEARS to clean up! (The thought is quite out of my reality-box and I am so appreciative of my friends right now...)
I admit I've imagined myself living in a Rotastak hamster cage, because it's so pretty and fun. But, I have not gone to the extent of imagining my own home being filled with shredded paper, a LARGE hamster wheel in the hall, hanging water-bottle and feeding-bowl. This article has really opened up my mind to the ways other people do choose to live in their world.
Still, I'm impressed with these people's commitment to their 'art' because the one who designed the large hamster wheel is a 'theater set designer'. So, I suppose I can see where he's coming from - (perhaps it's something he's familiar with and enjoys doing?) He must be an interesting person to get to know and it'd be nice to see some pictures and visit the apartment itself and check out what it's like to run in a human-sized hamster wheel.
Interested to read the whole article itself? You can find it at:
Rotastak Hamster or Rotastak Humanster?
By Master Right
6/23/2009 11:20:00 AM
Rotastak, Rotastak Hamster, Rotastak Hamster Cage, Rotastak Hamster Cage Articles

Written by Lovely
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