1. Description:
The Rotastak Tunnel of Fun consists of an attic bedroom, room extension, water bottle, feeding dish, anti-gnaw rings and a viewing sphere. Compatible with all other Rotastak units and accesories.
2. Measurement:
H24" X W20" X D16"
61cm X 51cm X 41cm
3. Suitable for how many dwarf hamsters:
4. Other people's reviews:
Customer's Reviews
5. What do I think? Is it suitable for me? Give a ranking from 1-5.
The Rotastak Maxi Tunnel of Fun will provide my hamsters with hours of endless fun! I like the tube that connects the first level to the second. The burrowing base compartment prevents dust and bedding from spilling out of the cage. I like the light colours that they use too. 4.5