- Both cages are well known and recommended by experienced pet owners.
- Both come in wide range of designs.
- You can buy spare parts to enhance the size/look of your cage.
- Cages can be taken apart so that thorough cleaning can be done, especially inside tubes.
- Different cages suit different breed of pets.
Rotastak Strong Points
- Rotastak cages come in more shapes and sizes as compared to Crittertrail.
- They are more value for money because their cages are bigger in size and cost the same or lesser than Crittertrail.
- Cages can be modified to a single level if you are afraid your hamsters might fall.
- The walls of the cage are plastic walled (as opposed to metal grills) so your pet can burrow the sawdust without making a mess.
Rotastak Weaknesses
- Rotastak tubes are larger in size. So it will suit larger pets like the Syrian. Alternatively, mice ladders can be placed in the tubes to allow the hamsters to climb better.
- There are some reviews saying that Rotastak cages are difficult to disassemble, but there are others who think that it can be done very easily. The ease of assembling and disassembling the cage comes with experience. So if you are new to Rotastak cages, it might take you awhile before you get the correct technique of handling the cages.
- Their tubes are smaller for smaller pets.
- They have attractive add-ons.
- As oppose to Rotastak, Crittertrail tubes are too small for larger breeds.
- The wheel of 'Crittertrail Revolution' are too heavy for dwarf hamsters to run.
- The plastic catches on the door are quite fragile.
- You have to pay more for a Crittertrail cage that is similar in size with Rotastak.
Overall, both cages have their good and bad points. Most importantly, choose one that will provide sufficient space and comfort for your hamsters and one that is within your budget.