Here are some photos other Rotastak pet owners have shared:

Mischief's home by RCTLisa
(What a pretty setup using Rotastak!)

A playpen that uses 'Rotastak Spaghetti Junction Tube Kit' by simonmcglary
(This looks like a creative use of materials and space that looks cost-effective)

A mansion for a pet called 'Ghost' by Kim-Randell.
(The hamsters must really enjoy themselves just zipping around the place! Such a roomy home...)
Colin's cage by Lislis from The Hamster Fanatic Forum. (Look at the setup. Colin is a lucky boy!)
A Super Cool Video of 5 AMAZING Rotastak Pet Homes.
p.s. my favourite is the 1st cage. I love how the tube runs across the top of the doorway. The hamsters must feel like they're flying when they cross that 'skybridge'!