Some questions I ask before deciding whether to buy a Rotastak hamster cage for my dwarf hamsters or not...
1. What cages are available? – a comprehensive, well-organised list with Pictures, Reviews and what I think.8. How do I train my hamsters?
2. How to efficiently clean and maintain a Rotastak hamster cage? - a simple 10 Step-article on 'How To Keep Any Hamster Home Clean'.
3. How do I maximise the amount of money I’ll be spending on my Rotastak cage? - cool ideas on how to place and setup my hamster cage.
4. Are there Pictures/Videos of other people’s pets in Rotastak cages? – so I can visualize my pet(s) living in them.
6. What do I really want? - my hamster cage wishlist
Some new questions that popped up...
- ESSENTIAL things to know about caring for my dwarf hamsters? - Some helpful info and tips on how to care for dwarf hamsters.
- Interesting Things About Rotastak Hamster Cages
- How much space does a dwarf hamster need?
- Is Rotastak compatible with their current cage (habitrail/crittertrail/SAM, etc)? - Habitrail; Crittertrail
- Rotastak vs Habitrail?
- Rotastak vs CritterTrail?
Perhaps the weirdest article I've come across during my research...
i dont know